You found a lost old phone! Navigate through the phone's user interface and collect clues and phone numbers which will help you find its owner. But beware! The battery life is limited, complete the puzzles before the phone turns OFF or you gotta turn it ON again and try again.

Use W/S or Up/Down arrow keys to navigate and Space or Enter to select. Use numbers 1-9 to dial passwords or phone numbers (0 is unavailable due to Jam's 12 keys limitation).

I suggest you to use Notepad to write down the phone numbers you find or maybe use the URL bar!

A puzzle game created by Opossum In A Jar (Spyridon Glarakis) for NOKIA 3310 JAM 3 in 1 week. Theme: ON / OFF.

All sounds created by Spyridon Glarakis using Tomislav Zlatic's "Free Nokia 3310 Composer Sample Pack For NI Kontakt".


In case you're stuck, check my playthrough:

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